About River Lane Press
River Lane Press is a small press with eclectic interests. It is an imprint of Process Century Press, but whereas the latter is an academic press focused on process-relational philosophical and theological thought, River Lane Press focuses on the more broadly applicable idea of creative transformation.
Creative transformation is a core idea in process thought. It demonstrates surprising ways that obstacles are overcome, dead ends become doorways to new possibilities, and an inequitable status quo is up-ended. It can be personal, societal, historical, but it is an unexpected reversal that contributes to the common good.
Several years ago, theologian and professional film judge Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki founded the Common Good Film Festival inspired by the same theme. She created criteria that is adapted here for River Lane Press.
- exhibit artistic excellence in writing, research, style, story, and grammar;
- promote the common good, which is defined as a society in which persons
and communities care for one another’s well-being; - exhibit sensitivity to the human situation, promoting the dignity of all;
- cultivate a realistic hope of creative transformation;
- foster ecological responsibility (as appropriate to the book’s subject matter).